Bowling With Weird Al

The Situation

Popular culture has always had an interest in bowling, even if it’s usually presented in a supporting role. Every sitcom, past or present, features the sport in at least one episode. The Big Lebowski, although not a bowling movie, highlights the game prominently as a backdrop. Television commercials purporting to sell a care-free attitude put smiling actors on the lanes to hawk anything from pharmaceuticals to digital cameras.

The Solution

When confronted with a pop-culture phenomenon such as this, there is only one place to turn: “Weird Al” Yankovic, the biggest-selling comedy recording artist in history and undisputed king of pop culture who happens to have a sizeable affinity for bowling. Throughout his career, which is now in its fourth decade, Yankovic has often incorporated bowling into his music, videos and his cult-hit feature film, UHF.

The Result

The article helped Bowlers Journal International reach a new audience, many of whom scoured newsstands and the internet for a copy of the issue.

You can read the full text here.

Client: Bowlers Journal International

Writer: Jef Goodger